Prevent Shoes from Cracking

Prevent Shoes From Cracking

Investing in good-quality shoes is always a good idea since they will last you a long time. But what if they develop cracks? Sometimes even a brand-new pair of shoes develop cracks over time, altering the appearance of the shoes. However, the good news is that there are several ways to prevent shoes from cracking.

You can prevent your shoes from cracking by keeping your shoes clean and dry, protecting them from UV light, heat. Too much moisture can damage shoes. Here is a list of ways to prevent your shoes from cracking:

  1. Cleaning Your Shoes
  2. Conditioning Your Shoes
  3. Waterproofing Your Shoes
  4. Protect Your Shoes from UV Light
  5. Store Your Shoes in Airtight Places
  6. Dry Your Shoes in Well-Ventilated Area
  7. Regularly Polish Your Shoes
  8. Protect Your Shoes from Too Much Wetness
  9. Protect Your Shoes from Sunlight and Heat
  10. Invest In a Shoetree

Since shoes are vulnerable to damage, they can get cracked, wrinkled, or turn lighter in color. However, we’ll discuss ways to properly take care of your shoes, not only to enhance their look but also to protect their natural materials, making them last longer. 

Products You Need for Shoe Care

You can find most of these shoe care products at a shoe repair shop, hardware store, or shoe store. Make sure to buy products that are specifically designed for your shoes. Here is the list of products you need to take care of your shoes and prevent them from cracking. 

  • Gloves
  • Newspaper
  • Shoe cleaner
  • Shoe conditioner 
  • Shoe brush
  • Shoe polish
  • Cotton cloth
  • Instant shine
  • Shoe tree
  • Waterproofing product or shoe protectant

Cleaning Your Shoes To Prevent Cracking

If you want to protect your shoes from cracking and look as good as new, you need to clean them regularly. You can wash your shoes with just soap and water, or you can either use products designed to tackle stubborn stains. You can quickly get rid of all the loose dirt using a scrubbing brush.

You can prevent your shoes from cracking by washing them with a mild cleanser. This will remove dirt from the surface and any residue from manufacturing. Using a gentle cleanser will remove dirt and manufacturing residue from the surface layer of the shoes.

Before cleaning your shoes, make sure that you and your workspace are protected. For example, wear your gloves, Place the newspaper on a surface, and work in a well-ventilated area.

These precautions are necessary since many shoe care products contain chemicals that could cause harm. Don’t leave your shoes dirty otherwise; the dirt will get inside because dirt from the outside will eventually seep in.


  1. First, rinse your shoes under warm water to eliminate any dirt that may be stuck to them.
  2. Add warm water to a sink, then add a mild cleanser to make a cleaning solution.
  3. Place your shoes in the solution, make sure they are completely soaked. 
  4. Avoid using harsh chemicals as they can damage your shoes. For example, if you wash your shoes with bleach or ammonia, your shoes may develop a crack.
  5. So don’t go to this extreme while cleaning shoes. A gentle cleanser or soap and warm water will work fine. Also, don’t let your shoes sit in the sink/bath for hours.
  6. To remove accumulated dirt, scrub the shoes with a stiff brush and thoroughly rinse the shoes with hot water.
  7. Hot water is better at melting soap suds than cold water since hot water has more energy to break down the suds. 
  8. After cleaning your shoes, let them dry completely before shining them. (Visit to find how to dry shoes fast)

Conditioning Your Shoes To Prevent Cracking

Conditioning your shoes helps them get moisturized and become softer, thus preventing them from cracking and drying out. Condition your shoes regularly whenever they look dry to prevent them from cracking.

To ensure they look and feel good, condition them every month if possible. To do this, first, you need to choose a conditioner suitable for your shoes.


  1. Make sure your shoes are completely clean and dry before conditioning them. 
  2. Remove any excess cleaning residue with a dry cloth after your shoes have rested.
  3. Test the conditioner on a small area to ensure that the conditioner you have chosen isn’t harmful to your shoes.
  4. Apply a small amount of conditioner to your shoes with a clean, dry cloth and let it sit for an hour. Due to the moisturization process, your shoe may appear darker but remove it right away if you notice it has drastically darkened.
  5. If the conditioner suits your shoes, you may proceed. First, take a small amount of the conditioner on a soft cloth. Then, start rubbing your clean shoe with the cloth in circular motions.
  6. Distribute the conditioner evenly throughout the shoe. After evenly applying the conditioner, let the shoes air-dry overnight. 
  7. Once your shoes have rested completely, take a clean, dry cloth and remove any residue left behind by the conditioner.
  8. Your shoes will now look very smooth and hydrated.

Waterproofing Your Shoes To Prevent Cracking

Waterproofing your shoes protects them from water and other things that break down the natural elements in them, resulting in cracks and ultimately shortening their lifespan.

Many waterproofing products are available in the market, each serving a different purpose, so choose wisely. If you want your shoes to survive rainy days, consider investing in waterproofing products.

If you spend most of your time in messy, wet conditions, then an attractive finish should be the least concern, so you should opt for wax-based products over protective sprays. 

Using wax-based products create a shield on the surface of your shoes, protecting them from water absorption. This provides excellent water resistance, but make sure not to apply it over other subsequent treatments as it may change the look of your shoes.

If the appearance of your shoes is your utmost concern, look for a spray protector that should do the job without affecting its finish. In addition, I would recommend choosing waterproofing products that provide breathable protection and resist mild to moderate moisture conditions and dirt.

Protect Your Shoes from UV Light To Prevent Cracking

Exposure of your shoes to UV light can damage your shoes. A few weeks of the sun can change the color of your shoes, damage them or cause cracks in them.

The ultraviolent-absorbing chemicals in most shoes are ineffective under fluorescent lights since they are designed to block visible light, not UV light.

You can extend the life of your shoes by wearing them indoors, at night, or under cloudy skies. However, if you spend a lot of time outdoors, you might need some extra protection for your shoes.

Don’t worry, I have a solution for you! Suppose you can’t control the light exposure to your shoes. In that case, the physical movement of your shoes is necessary, like walking, running, dancing, etc. In this way, your shoes will be less likely to get cracked than if they are still. The reason is that the moving air accelerates the chemical reaction.

Store Your Shoes in Airtight Places To Prevent Cracking

You can prevent your shoes from cracking by storing them in airtight places. Also, leaving your shoes out in the sun for longer may crack your shoes.

If you have to store your shoes in the basement, there are several methods to control humidity. You can either store your shoes in airtight containers or use silica gel packs to keep them away from moisture.

Silica will absorb moisture from the air. You can easily find silica packs from any craft store. If you have several shoes to store, I recommend getting a large bag filled with silica gel. But make sure that the silica itself is not in contact with the shoes.

A fun way to store your shoes is by keeping them in a Ziploc bag. However, shoes can easily get cracked if exposed to a lot of air. Since air can harden the shoe material, and thus it loses its flexibility.

Your shoes may begin to crack if you leave them out in the sun for a long time. Putting them in airtight containers protects them from exposure to ozone from the air, making them last longer.

Dry Your Shoes in Well-Ventilated Area To Prevent Cracking

Another way to prevent your shoes from cracking is to dry them slowly in a well-ventilated area. To dry your shoes slowly, you can hang them somewhere warm but not near a heater.

If your shoes are wet or freshly washed, avoid wearing them for at least two days, allowing them to dry without being walked on. However, if you live in a colder region, let them dry themselves in a well-ventilated space. 

It is important not to dry your shoes in direct sunlight or near the heater or air conditioner. You cannot prevent your shoes from cracking by drying them in the oven. Don’t even try this; you might end up ruining the shoe.

Shoes made from natural materials can crack and dry up within a few months. But you can prolong their lifespan by storing them in a controlled environment with low humidity.

Regularly Polish Your Shoes To Prevent Cracking

Most of us polish our shoes when we are about to wear them. In reality, you need to polish your shoes regularly whether you are planning to wear them or not. Polishing your shoe regularly helps to prevent them from cracking. 

Additionally, you should use a polish that replenishes their natural oils. In this way, your shoes will last longer and will not crack.

Brush Your Shoes in One Direction

If you want to protect your shoes and prevent them from cracking, you need to brush them in one direction. Because brushing your shoes in one direction allows the treads to arrange themselves in a single layer. As a result, cracks do not open too wide and do not spread.

This tip is especially useful for your rubber shoes. If you brush your shoes in the opposite direction, the treads will tend to pile up, allowing the cracks to spread faster, increasing their chances of reaching the entire surface.

I would recommend doing this trick on new shoes. Although you can try it on less worn shoes, it won’t be as effective as new shoes.

Protect Your Shoes from Moisture To Prevent Cracking

Have you ever wondered if water damages your shoes? Well, the answer depends on the amount of wetness and what you do after your shoes get wet. 

Too much wetness can damage your shoes. Although you need water for cleaning your shoes, it is always important to dry them right away with a towel.  

If your shoes consistently get dirty and wet, they are likely to crack and split. To prevent your shoes from cracking, clean them with water and let them air dry. [you can visit to check how long it takes shoes to dry?]

Your shoes are made from natural and semi-natural materials, so they are pretty hard and durable. However, if you don’t take care of them, they can get cracked, damaged, and lose their durability. 

To prolong the life of your shoes, try not to stand in water or walk in puddles for too long with your shoes on. Also, before putting on your shoes, remove any dust, mud, or dirt with a soft cloth. The key here is to keep your shoes dry at all times.

Protect Your Shoes from Sunlight and Heat To Prevent Cracking

If you expose your shoes to direct sunlight or excessive heat for longer, it can damage your shoes by cracking them. Especially dark-colored shoes get damaged more quickly because they tend to absorb more sunlight or heat when exposed.

The heat absorbs moisture from your shoes, causing them to wrinkle and crack. Therefore, avoid exposing your shoes, especially dark-colored ones, to direct sunlight or heat for an extended period.

Keep Your Shoes Away From The Heater

If you want to dry your shoes, do it under normal temperature. Although placing your shoes near the heater may be the fastest way to dry them, you should never do it. Excessive heat may cause them to shrink and cause to crack. Instead, allow them to dry slowly in an airy room.

Invest In a Shoetree To Prevent Cracking

A shoe tree is a wooden form to keep your shoes in their original form. You need a shoe tree to keep your shoes in shape and prevent them from cracking.

When your shoes are stacked, they are prone to get damaged and cracked. So, you can either save them by keeping them in separate boxes or invest in a shoe tree.  

If you place shoe trees in your shoes, they don’t sag and crack. I recommend using a cedar shoe tree since they absorb moisture from your shoes and make them last longer.

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